Our Specialists Can:

  • Undertake an impact assessment to identify exactly where Canada's Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act impacts on your organization's business lines.

  • Assist with a readiness assessment to determine exactly where you need to make changes in order to comply with the Act.

  • Assist with the development and delivery of organization-specific training programs.

  • Undertake biennial compliance reviews to test the effectiveness of the elements of sector-specific compliance programs.

  • Prepare compliance manuals and evaluation reports.

  • Develop information and communication documents in support of a publicity strategy to inform staff, clients, and prospective customers.

On-Site Consulting

Our direct consulting services are offered in three distinct formats:

  • as a direct service to individual businesses requiring hands-on support and assistance;

  • through scheduled training events, such as on-site workshops and seminars, as well as webcast seminars; and

  • annual Money Laundering in Canada Conference .

Direct Service to Business

ABCsolutions has established a network of technical experts in the field of money laundering control to provide our clients with on-site support.  We recognize that, at times, a one-on-one contact is required to assist with those compliance issues that warrant that extra level of support.

Although we believe the generic nature of our On-line Education Centre will provide most Compliance Officers with a tremendous amount of background information, examples of policy and practices, and various strategies for achieving compliance --- every organization's operations differ and reflect their own unique business environment.  As a result, the generic information will need some fine-tuning to make it specific. Most often that can be done without calling on support but, when the need arises, we plan to be there to answer your call.